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Black Ranger
Ciyue Mei


Done by:[Ciyue Mei]

YWords Unsaid

YThe Past

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009



anything extra here!


events that happened
events going to happen

Ciyue here again.|Thursday, April 30, 2009

First time see him so serious!!!! ;x

I heard my didi injured his leg today.
DIDI! You very careless leh. ;X

9:14 AM

|Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hi so long nv post le =D

Today exam 1st paper 1/2 hr paper so easy do finish le wanted to sleep de lo but daryl keep on make funny sound dn 2nd paper the listening i slmost SLEEP half way sia.... heng i slap myslef 2 times dn finally can concetrate a bit. 3rd paper was maths heng i ytd gt prepare so the paper to mi is quite easy de. Haiz tmr nid retest my 2.4 cus i wan get a gold =( sianz today very tired l so write until here ba bb=D

3:13 AM

I am helping my DIDI to post again.
Cause he want me to help him to upload photos. ;D
DIDI, still got one more. I never upload. Cause very ugly.
That one with wilson hand one. LOL! I think you also don't want. ;D
DIDI, thanks me! ♥

3:05 AM

|Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today so fun go out with my jie again=D she treat mi coffee sia $5.80 sia i dun wanna her treat de so she and ting hwee buy for mi^^ today at tampines jie also like siao siao de hahas she sit on the floor sia aiyo very childish.On the way at bus we have take pictures!!

7:17 AM

|Monday, April 20, 2009

Hi again=D
Today go to school very happily cause mrs choy nv come YEA!!!At D&T i nv do D&T work keep toking buy mr choo nv say mi keep saying daven.2nd lesson is maths go AVA today i so guai in maths i also dunnoe y but the last 10 mins whole class have been sent out the AVA room because we are too noisy.I dunnoe y everytime when ms kok scolding ppl keep on watching at mi and i look at her she always say 'desmond i watching at you but not saying u' then i finally can cool dwn.So when the lesson end she 1st time ask mi to go off 1st wahahahas so happy i think cause i am too guai liao hahas cause of my jie ba=D.At EBS lesson my jie SIAO again cause in EBS lesson she keep smiling at me like tt time at starbucks very high!! Today English lesson so sianz nth to do de oral onli. PE tt time need retest 5 station heng i pass so go GYM to train. At GYM i play with kar fai armrestling i have win him. 1st time sia he so fat i also can win mi aiyo he must train more arh. Afternoon go play basketball. Play full court, gt one china boykeep banging ting hwee so i buay song i go give him 1 slap at his stomach. Today is so fun^^ oh ya thx jie for helping mi to make back my music THX!!!

Thx Jie

5:04 AM

sorry|Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ciyue leaving a post here.
Sorry my di.
I understand.
I will control my attiude this few days. Please help me too.
O. Btw, I really have a crazy day with you today. :D
And i help you put the music already and i made it shuffle! :)
You beter thanks me again. :x
Bye. :)

8:32 AM

Today is a bad day =(
In the morning i have querral with my mom because she nv give mi lunch money and in the evening, mi and my frens are going to starbucks to do our EBS coursework. Ciyue my jie when there liao siao keep on laughing. A few hours ltr i say i am going back home le but ciyue is like dunnoe y so angry say 'u wan go home early is because u wanted to go wilson hse ton!!' i dunnoe y she keep on thinking of tt but the truth is i want to go back home early because my mom dun let mi go out but i go out without permission so i must reach home early dn her. When i am going home i wanted to take back my paper from her but she is not happy and when she give mi back my paper tt time she said smth but i ddun wan to say back if not it will confirm break mi and her gan jie de relationship. So i taken the paper and crush away and throw it into the bin.I wont blame her because she have cca in the morning so i noe her mood will be bad so i hope tt when she saw this post she will understand it. I am not going to wilson hse ton le because my mom noe i go out so i get scolded and tmr i cant go out le sad =(

Hope tt she will understand

3:31 AM

|Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today 1st lesson is EBS mr low very xl i scold him xl and kpkb today. i think he cut short hair become more xl. 2nd lesson is english the relieve come in dn she give us paper to do or go help to do the NE things.After half and hour, she come back in our class again daniel accidently shot paper until the relieve teacher. The teacher is very angry because it hurts and it shot until her face. She ask who shotted the paper no one wants to admit dn joanna keep ask daniel admit and he finally admit he shot de but in front of teacher he keep saying not he shot de wad a coward sia. 3rd lesson is PE. We go down to space and do sit and reach after tt i wanted to retest my standing board jump but i saw a funnest thing tt is a gal from 3 hope dun dare to jump the standing board jump and she wasted half and hours standing on the starting line and all my class keep making fun of her hahas=D. Today go to quan hui hse play audi own people like siao wo0t!! and must thx wilson tt he help mi to do my liscen. Okie today talk until here le is dota time ^^

I Love dota

6:25 AM

|Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today is a great day but this morning at school hall i saw mr maran he was back!!! I turn and tell ting hwee tt i saw mr maran. He was shock and we spread it around.Suddenly the relieve teacher came to us she say she go ask mr maran wheather he gt come anot. At the class she say mr maran was coming back to school for awhile nia my class so happy and YEA!!!! very loudly.At the maths lesson niccholes ask mi pass his phone to trisha but ms kok spotted!!! He very scare tt his handphone will send to mr amba or mr guai. After school ms kok talk to hin alot of bull shit things then she return back nicholes phone. I almost gt detention because of D&T cause i late for half-hour with wilson. On the way to take bus to wilson hse, we realise tt Mrs choy has change. she know wad our class wan to have liao. ok la time to audi liao bb =D.

I love audi

2:22 AM

|Monday, April 13, 2009

This is my first time writing a post in my blog:D
Today go school very happy why? because Mr maran nvr come to school wo0t.Everybody was very happy that mr maran nvr come to school.The most happy one is wei lun.Because last thursday the hit kar fai nose until got blood come out so he scare that today mr maran will at class scold him but very luckly mr maran nvr come.In EBS Lesson MR LOW the REPORTER very irratating and he cut a new hair style SLOP WAHAHAHAHAHS.Then when we going to be dismiss i keep on watching at mr low then suddenly derrick say see lan jiao arh!!!Then mr low ask him to stay back he mubble to mi and say ' u think i am ur dog arh' then i keep on laguhing. In a sudden, i saw a thumb drive cap on top of daniel monitor then i go there and i ask is his anot he say yes then i say dun bluff la is wei lun de rite? wei lun walk like a dog towards mi and take the thumbdrive cap from my hand and keep saying is daniel stole de.Tmr is daniel courts day i wish him good luck :D oh is time to watch my one piece le bb ;D
I like Power Rangers:D

1:55 AM

HELLO! Ciyue here!
I am helping my didi to make his blog. ;D
DIDI! You better thanks me. ;D

1:54 AM